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100025 臺北市林森南路33號
電話 : (02)3366-8750~4 (共五線)    傳真 : (02)2391-9098
網頁負責人: 許瑭益
聯絡電話 : (02)33668743
更新日期 : 2024 / 09 / 16
聯絡電話:(02)3366-8694     Email:phliang@ntu.edu.tw
研究室資訊研究室資訊 論文與研究計畫論文與研究計畫
*訪問學者, 美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校
*副教授, 臺大藥學系
*博士後研究員, 中研院及Scrips Research Institute
榮譽:2024 The Excellent Research Award to Prof. Liang by the National Science and Technology (Year 112)
2023 Future Tech Award for the Development of Small Molecule-Drug Conjugation
2022 Professor Liang and her adjuvant team were awarded the 19th National Innovation Award
2022 2022 Award of Industry-academia Collaboration, National Science and Technology Council
2022 Wu Ho-Su Medical Award, Taiwan Bio Development Foundation
2022 Future Tech Award for the Development of the Next Generation of Vaccine Adjuvant
2022 Excellent Teaching Award, National Taiwan University
2022 Elected as a Presenter in US Bio (San Diego, CA, USA) and Financial Supported by the MOST Taiwan
2021 Professor Liang and her adjuvant team were awarded the 18th National Innovation Award in Academic Research.
2021 Professor Liang and a team of COVID from Genomics Research Center were awarded the Future Tech Break-Through Award
2021 Excellent Teaching Award, National Taiwan University
2021 Young Scholar Award by the MOST Taiwan
2021 Select as a Presenter in Bio Asia-Taiwan in the Spark Asia Showcase and Entrepreneur Pitch
2020 Select as a Spark Presenter in BioInvestor Forum 2020
2020 Research Project for Excellent Young Researchers by MOST, Taiwan (2020.8–2023.7)
2020 Medical Research Award, Ching-Hsin Foundation
2018 Excellent Teaching Award, National Taiwan University
2016 Excellent Teaching Award, National Taiwan University
2015 Young Investigator Award, Ching Kang Foundation for Pharmacy Promotion
2015 Advisor Award for the Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award of MOST Grant
2015 The 1st Excellent Alumni Award, Wen-Shane Elementary School
2014 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry’s Outstanding Oral Presentation at the 9th International Symposium for Chinese Medicinal Chemists
2011 Advisor Award for the Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award of MOST
2011 Excellent Teaching Award, National Taiwan University

老師的話:對科學充滿好奇心 持續堅持努力
博士後研究員:Fabian Grassl

Pei-Fang Chiu, 邱沛芳 (2023)/ Post-Doc, School of Pharmacy, University of Southern California
Chen-Guang (Lucas) Zheng , 張晨光(2023)/Research Assistant, Academia Sinica/National Taiwan University
Chung-Shun Lin, 林崇舜 (2023)/ Pharmacist, National Taiwan University Hospital
Cheng-Ru Chen, 陳承儒 (2023)/ Analyst, Venture Capital
Yi-Chi Wang, 王奕錡 (2022) / Scientist, ImmunAdd, Inc,
Chun-Kai Chang, 張竣凱 (2022) / Military service, ImmunAdd, Inc. )
Yu-Pu Juang, 莊宇樸 (2022) / Post-Doc, College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan)
Ru-Xian Lin, 林儒賢 (2021)/ Marketing, TTY BioPharma
Yu-Ting Chou, 周郁庭 (2021) / CDE Reviewer, CDE
Wan-Lan Gu, 辜琬嵐 (2021) / Pharmacist
Chee-Wei Chaw, 刁志威 (2020)/ Marketing
You-Yu Lin, 林佑諭 (2020) / Scientist, ImmunAdd, Inc.
Jing-Xiu Cao, 曹景琇 (2019) / Pharmacist, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
I-Chun Lin, 林怡君 (2019) / Marketing, Pfizer
Zhen-Zhuo Teo, 張振卓 (2019)/ Associate Researcher, OBI Pharma
Chia-Nan Chang, 張巧念 (2018) / CRA manager, CRO
Hsiao-Wen Wang, 王筱雯 (2018) / Medical Writer, CRO
Yen-Hsun Lai, 賴彥勳 (2018) / Lecture, National Defense Medical Center
Ying-Ying Tsai, 蔡盈盈 (2018) / Scientist, Xantho Biotechnology Co., LTD
I-Chen Liu, 劉奕辰 (2017)/ CDE reviewer, CDE
Tsung-Yun Wong, 翁琮昀 (2016) / Ph.D. student, University of Minnesota
Tzung-Sheng Lin, 林宗聖 (2016) / Post-Doc Researcher, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Yue Hne, 方愉 (2016) / CRA, Norvatis
Kuo-Ting Chen, 陳國庭 (2015) / Assistant Professor, National Dong-Hwa University
How-Wen Cheng, 鄭皓文 (2014) / CMC mamanger, ImmunAdd Inc.
Hui-Yi Yang, 楊慧怡 (2014) / DM, QPS
Hsin-Min Hsiao, 蕭新民 (2013) / Pharmacist
Yin-Jen Lu, 盧膺仁 (2013) / QA, AstraZeneca
Hsien-Wei Yeh, 葉先偉 (2012) / Assitant Professor, UC Santa Cruz
Yi-Bin Zeng, 曾依冰 (2012) / Assitant Manager, OBI Pharm
Yi-Chun Chen, 陳逸宭 (2012) / CRA, Taiwan Liposome Company (TLC)
Nikki Ya-Wen Liu, 劉雅雯 (2011) / CRA
Ying-Hsin Wang, 王英馨 (2011) / MD, MSD
Ming-Han Hsieh, 謝明翰 (2010) / Interior Designer
Ting-Shuan Tang, 唐廷萱 (2010 summer) / Physician (Otorhinolaryngology), NTU

Updated April, 2024