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網頁負責人: 許瑭益
聯絡電話 : (02)33668743
更新日期 : 2025 / 03 / 03

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已發表論文 | : | |  | 展演 | : | 展演主題:Treatment Patterns, Complications, and Disease Relapse in a Real-World Population of Moderate-to-Severe Ulcerative Colitis Patients Initiating Immunosuppressive Therapy [poster] (2013) 講者:Davis KL, Wang CC, Dastani H, Luo A, Dalal M, Loftus EV 地點:Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2013, May 18-21, Orlando, FL
展演主題:Adoption of new molecular targeted drug among non-small cell lung cancer patients under national health insurance system in Taiwan [poster] (2013) 講者:Chen HH, Shen LJ, Wang CC, Hsiao FY 地點:8th Asian Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology, Oct 25-27, Hong Kong
展演主題:Patterns of Pharmacological Treatment for Osteoporosis among Patients Qualified for Pharmacotherapy According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation Guidelines [podium] (2014) 講者:Wang CC, Wu CH, Farley JF 地點:The 30th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management, Oct 24-27, Taipei, Taiwan
展演主題:Comparative Outcome Analysis of Penicillin-Based Versus Fluoroquinolone-Based Antibiotic Therapy for Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Taiwan [poster] (2015) 講者:Lin CH, Wang CC, Sheng WH 地點:American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Annual Meeting and Exposition-Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science-Economic, Social and Administrative Science Section, Mar 27-30, San Diego, CA
展演主題:Evaluation of The Association Between Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors Use and Risk of Arrhythmia among Patients with Depression [podium] (2015) 講者:Wang CC, Lin ZF, Wu CH 地點:7th Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy (AASP) Conference, Oct 30-Nov 2, Taipei, Taiwan
展演主題:Cost-Effectiveness of the Pharmacist-assisted Warfarin Monitoring Program (PAWM) at a Medical Center in Taiwan [poster] (2016) 講者:Chang JY, Kang HC, Shen LJ, Wang CC 地點:International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 19th Annual European Congress, Oct 29-Nov 2, Vienna, Austria
展演主題:Effectiveness and safety of non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants in real-world practice [podium] (2016) 講者:Huang HY, Lin SY, Cheng SH, Wang CC 地點:105 年度台灣藥學年會暨學術研討會, Dec 17, Taipei, Taiwan
展演主題:Wang CC. Influenza Vaccination during Pregnancy: Findings from the 2012-2016 National Health Interview Survey. (2017) 講者:Chan HJ, Chang JY, Erickson SR 地點:ISPPOR 20th Annual European Congress, Glasgow, Scotland
展演主題:Changes in Treatment Patterns of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors among Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients under the National Health Insurance in Taiwan. (2017) 講者:Chang JY, Lin FJ, Wang CC. 地點:ISPPOR 20th Annual European Congress, Glasgow, Scotland
展演主題:The association between early treatment with amantadine and delayed onset of levodopa-induced dyskinesia in patients with Parkinson's disease. (2017) 講者:Wu TL, Wang CC, Lin FJ, Wu RM. 地點:XXII World Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
展演主題:Patterns and Outcomes of Non Vitamin K Anticoagulants Use among Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Valvular Heart Disease in the Real-World Settings (2018) 講者:Li HJ, Lin FJ, Lin SY, Hung CS, Wang CC. 地點:ISPOR Asia Pacific 2018, Tokyo, Japan
展演主題:Risk of Hypoglycemia and Concomitant Use of Repaglinide and Clopidogrel: A Population-Based Nested Case-Control Study. (2018) 講者:Wei Y, Lin FJ, Lin SY, Wang CC. 地點:ISPOR Asia Pacific 2018, Tokyo, Japan
| 研究計畫 | : | 計畫名稱:初探老年人使用Statin類降血脂藥物預防心血管病變之效果 執行期間:2018-05 ~ 2021-07 主持人:林芳如 協同主持人:王繼娟
計畫名稱:建構臺灣智能Sentinel系統: 以健保資料及電子病歷進行主動藥品安全監測 執行期間:2018-03 ~ 2022-02 主持人:王繼娟
計畫名稱:初探老年人使用Statin類降血脂藥物預防心血管病變之效果 執行期間:2017-08 ~ 2018-05 主持人:王繼娟
計畫名稱:健保給付新藥財務衝擊影響評估 執行期間:2017-01 ~ 2017-12 主持人:林芳如 協同主持人:王繼娟
計畫名稱:抗憂鬱藥物及非類固醇止痛消炎藥併用與腦內出血風險 執行期間:2016-08 ~ 2017-07 主持人:王繼娟
計畫名稱:鈣離子拮抗劑與乳癌風險:以台灣全國性資料進行的世代研究 執行期間:2015-08 ~ 2016-07 主持人:王繼娟
計畫名稱:台大醫院抗凝血門診藥師監測warfarin 治療的成本效果分析 執行期間:2015-01 ~ 2015-12 主持人:沈麗娟 協同主持人:王繼娟
計畫名稱:60 歲以上憂鬱症患者使用選擇性血清素再吸收抑制劑的與心律不整風險評估 執行期間:2014-08 ~ 2015-07 主持人:王繼娟