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研究室資訊研究室資訊 論文與研究計畫論文與研究計畫
書籍:書名:特定標的之新藥開發: 第九章 臨床前藥物動力學試驗 (2005)

展演:展演主題:Enhancement of dissolution rate and oral bioavailability of lovastatin in red yeast rice products (2014)
講者:Chia-Hao Chen, Jyh-Chin Yang, Yow-Shieng Uang, Chun-Jung Lin
地點:5th FIP Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress (PWSC), Melbourne, Australia

展演主題:The interaction between human PMAT and N-methyl-(R)SAL/1-benzyl-TIQ (2013)
講者:Kuo-Chen Wu, Yi-Hsuan Peng, Ya-Hsuan Lu, Chun-Jung Lin
地點:The 11th International Conference On Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s Disease. Firenze, Italy

展演主題:Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic analysis of the role of CYP2C19 genotypes in short-term rabeprazole-based triple therapy against Helicobacter Pylori (2012)
講者:Yu-Fan Yang, Jyh-Chin Yang, Yow-Shieng Uang, Chun-Jung Lin
地點:World Conference on Pharmacometrics, Seoul, Korea

展演主題:The effects of Chinese red yeast rice on the activities of CYP450 enzymes and P-glycoprotein and the pharmacokinetic study of LipoCol Forte® in healthy volunteers. (2011)
講者:Chia-Hao Chen, Jyh-Chin Yang, Yow-Shieng Uang, Shang-Ta Wang, Chun-Jung Lin
地點:AAPS annual meeting at Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC, USA

展演主題:The PKC-mediated down-regulation of P-glycoprotein expression under high glucose condition in MDCK II cells (2011)
講者:Szu-Yu Yeh, Chung-Cheng Lin, Chun-Jung Lin
地點:Bethesda AAPS (American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists) Workshop, Bethesda North Marriott Conference Center, Bethesda, MD, USA.

展演主題:High Cumulative Eradication rate in the First-line and Rescue therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection by Repeated High dose dual therapy (2015)
講者:Jyh-Chin Yang, Chun-Jung Lin, Jin-De Chen et al.
地點:Digestive Disease Week (DDW), Washington, D.C. 20001, United States

展演主題:Effect of lipopolysaccharide on the expression of plasma membrane monoamine transporter (PMAT) at brain microvessels and the brain concentrations of 1-benzyl-1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydroisoquinoline in C57BL/6 mice (2015)
講者:Kuo-Chen Wu, Ya-Hsuan Lu, Chun-Jung Lin
地點:7th Asian Association of School of Pharmacy (AASP) meeting, Taipei, Taiwan

展演主題:Increased P-glycoprotein expression in brain capillaries of Huntington’s disease transgenic mice and patients. (2016)
講者:Kao YH, Chern Y, Yang HT, Chen HM, Lin CJ
地點:11th Annual Huntington\'s disease therapeutics conference Palm Springs, CA, USA

展演主題:Genotypic testing is suboptimal to predict antibiotic resistance and therapeutic outcome for Helicobacter pylori eradication in clinical practice (2016)
講者:Jyh-Chin Yang, Chun-Jung Lin, Huei-Mi Li et al.
地點:Digestive Disease Week (DDW) San Diego, California, USA

展演主題:Changes in the pharmacokinetics of fluvastatin, atorvastatin, and simvastatin but not of rosuvastatin and pravastatin in collagen-induced arthritis rats (2017)
講者:Chun-Han Lin, Ke-Wei Hsu, Chia-Hao Chen, Yow-Shieng Uang, Chun-Jung Lin
地點:6th FIP Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress (PSWC) Stockholm, Sweden

展演主題:Brain homeostasis of α-synuclein differs in mice with and without functional Nramp1 under PD-related pathological conditions (2018)
講者:Kuo-Chen Wu, Chun-Jung Lin
地點:International conference on Alzheimer’s disease & Dementia, Tokyo, Japan

展演主題:The role of equilibrative nucleoside transporter-2 in the modulation of neuroinflammation (2018)
講者:Chih-Yu Lee, Kuo-Chen Wu, Yu-Han Kao, Chun-Jung Lin
地點:2018 Society for Neurosciences annual meeting, San Diego, USA

展演主題:The role of equilibrative nucleoside transporter-2 on the amelioration of acute lipopolysaccharide-induced breakdown of the blood-brain barrier (2019)
講者:Kuo-Chen Wu, Chun-Jung Lin
地點:Brain & brain PET 2019 (Yokohama, Japan)

展演主題:Roles of equilibrative nucleoside transporter-2 in energy homeostasis in the striatum of mice (2022)
講者:C.-J. HO1, C.-Y. CHEN1, K.-C. WU1, Y. CHERN2, C.-J. LIN
地點:SfN (USA)

展演主題:Inhibition of equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 (ENT1) inhibitor as a novel therapeutic treatment to rescue Alzheimer’s disease pathology and cognitive impairment (2022)
講者:Ching-Wen Wu, Ching-Pang Chang, Chien-Yu Lin, Kuo-Chen Wu, Hsin-Hsien Yeh, Chun-Jung Lin, Yijuang Chern

研究計畫:計畫名稱:探討腺苷轉運蛋白在缺血性中風以及缺血-再灌流所引起之病理反應與疾 病進展所扮演之角色
執行期間:2021-08 ~ 2024-07

執行期間:2021-01 ~ 2024-12

執行期間:2020-08 ~ 2021-07

計畫名稱:研究平衡核苷轉運蛋白在神經發炎的生理及病理角色-以亨丁頓舞蹈症為疾病模型- ENT2 對神經發炎之調控以及其對亨丁頓舞蹈症之疾病進展的影響
執行期間:2018-08 ~ 2021-07

計畫名稱:風濕性關節炎及非類固醇消炎劑治療對血腦屏障之調控以及其對於beta類澱粉蛋 白(beta-amyloid)在血腦屏障運輸之影響(
執行期間:2017-08 ~ 2020-07

執行期間:2017-01 ~ 2017-12

計畫名稱:探討 SLC11A1轉運蛋白在 alpha-synuclein 降解所扮演的角色以及其對於 alpha-synuclein 所引起神經毒性之影響
執行期間:2016-08 ~ 2017-07

執行期間:2015-08 ~ 2016-07

執行期間:2015-01 ~ 2015-12

執行期間:2011-05 ~ 2014-04