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Wen-Jen Lin
PortfolioPortfolio ResearchResearch
Books:Name:特定標的之新藥開發:第十一章藥品優良製造確效作業和優良實驗作之精神 (2006)
Authors:Wen Jen Lin

Posters & Speeches:Subjects:35th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society (2008)
Speakers:Wen-Jen Lin

Subjects:34th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society (2007)
Speakers:Wen-Jen Lin, Kai-Ling Chang, , Chia-Hao Hsu

Subjects:1st Asian Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Symposium (2007)
Speakers:Wen-Jen Lin, Chia-Hao Hsu

Subjects:ICS2006, 23rd International Carbohydrate Symposium (2006)
Speakers:Wen-Jen Lin, Ming Hsiung Chen, Kai-Ling Chang

Subjects:120th AOAC Annual Meeting & Exposition (2006)
Speakers:Cheng-Chin Lin, Wen-Jen Lin

Research Projects:Subject:建立國際化藥品品質規範及檢驗方法
Duration:2017-01 ~ 2017-12
Co-principal Investigator:Wen-Jen Lin

Subject:The study on copolymeric micelle delivery system
Duration:2002-08 ~ 2004-07
Principal Investigator:Wen-Jen Lin

Subject:Study on microporous controlled delivery system
Duration:2003-08 ~ 2005-07
Principal Investigator:Wen-Jen Lin

Subject:The study of active targeting nanoparticulate carr
Duration:2010-08 ~ 2013-07
Principal Investigator:Wen-Jen Lin

Subject:In vitro-in vivo studies on surface modified poly(
Duration:2005-08 ~ 2007-07
Principal Investigator:Wen-Jen Lin

Subject:Studies on Chitosan-Based Liver Targeting Carrier
Duration:2007-08 ~ 2010-07
Principal Investigator:Wen-Jen Lin

Subject:Development of oral nanoparticles for sustained and stomach-specific delivery of acid labile drug: in vitro and in vivo evaluation
Duration:2013-08 ~ 2016-07
Principal Investigator:Wen-Jen Lin

Subject:The study of polysaccharide-conjugated micelles possessing CD44 receptor targeting ability for gene delivery
Duration:2016-08 ~ 2017-07
Principal Investigator:Wen-Jen Lin